
Good (Score: 3, Interesting)

by in New Chromebooks and Chromebit stick start at $100 on 2015-04-03 16:56 (#6C3R)

I just recently read on another article how a lot of people only have access to the Internet through their smart phone. These people are mostly down on the lower end of the socio-economic scale, obviously for cost reasons a smart phone is cheap and accessible... So I'm happy Google is doing this because I do not want to even imagine a future where the only way people experience the Internet is through a locked down limited iPhone where they can't program at all. Sure Google's Chrome OS is pretty limited but you can install Linux on it if you want to. I don't want a future where the people who want to learn are locked out from doing so.

Cake! (Score: 1)

by in Pipedot Turns One on 2015-02-07 11:19 (#2WYA)

Time to pull out the Birthday Cake!

Re: Its just nuts! (Score: 1)

by in Raspberry Pi 2 unveiled with more memory and faster processor on 2015-02-05 01:26 (#2WWW)

Definitly agree with the crazy part after all the times I spent scraping just to have something that qualified as a computer. I am really looking foward to the future though where everyone can have some sort of computer. Small computers everywhere maybe five in a house, a bit pie in the sky but I love the idea.

Re: Editor Question (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in Spam Filtering on 2015-01-05 12:50 (#2WNW)

I've always liked this guide: some people hate these methods though specially if they use javascript my answer to that balance might be to only use these anti spam options on unregistered users. The page is none the less an interesting read.

Re: One Problem (Score: 1)

by in Debian is forked. Meet Devuan on 2014-12-01 02:15 (#2VEM) - Linux Pronunciation. Hope this helps, I'd say it sounds like lin-icks myself.

No relevant option... (Score: 1)

by in Mobile OS versions that I use: on 2014-11-14 16:27 (#2V2C)

Really need a none of the above for the non andorid/iOS users...

Omgz (Score: 3, Insightful)

by in Lunduke says the LXDE Desktop is "Nothing to write home about" on 2014-10-25 02:29 (#2TPK)

Zomgs I can find nothing to say about it, where is my bling, my swipey swishing crap? Seriously if you can find nothing to say about it then it's probably doing it's job. I imagine you wouldn't have much to say when reviewing a fork or a hammer either cause they do the job.

Does it really need to be... (Score: 2, Interesting)

by in Google's new "Inbox" hopes to simplify email on 2014-10-23 05:32 (#2TM5)

Does google mail need to be even more simple? It seems simple enough but I'm not exactly the "Can you dumb that down for me to my level?" type of person. The way technology is being directed at the moment by many companies reminds me of the jokes about an Apple device that only has a single button for simplicity. I dread a future where everyone has the devices they used dumb down so they can understand them strait away instead of elevating themselves to understanding their device, and perhaps by extension the world around them more.

What about flip phones? (Score: 1)

by in Mobile Devices I own/use on 2014-09-18 14:23 (#2SJT)

Subject says it all where is my option for flip phones!?

Re: Spoken language (Score: 1)

by in New Sailor Moon Dub is online on 2014-09-14 05:38 (#2SCQ)

I find I tend to only have soft spots for a few English dubbed Animes, mostly ones I was exposed to as a child. One of them in Sailor Moon of course. But I generally agree with the watch it with subs for every other single Anime mantra. English dubs COULD be good but it seems the studios do not go to the effort to get voice actors that match the original Japanese voice actors in tone or character, I find it to be a real shame. I've also had the unfortunate experience of purchasing a few dubbed Animes and the extras on one certain series had the voice actors doing a commentary, one episode the voice actors were making FUN of the show. Never again Mad Man. Never. Again.